“If you shut your eyes while listening to Highway Star you’ll swear you were listening to Deep Purple… open your eyes and you’ll swear you’re seeing Deep Purple. Great cover band – great show!”
Bob Mills – Program Director, Classic Rock Station Power 104 FM, Kelowna
“Set away Back Machine, Mr. Peabody… You are in Deep Purple’s Hey-Day!!!”
‘Bro’ Jake Edwards – Rock 101.1 FM, Vancouver
“Want some rock bravado in the Deep Purple vein, Vancouver’s Highway Star breathes Deep Purple.”
Tom Harrison – Music Writer, The Province, Vancouver
“The biggest surprise of the evening was the wide age range that Highway Star attracted. There was a table of college students, children of the Sixties and everyone in-between. They packed the dance floor for Space Truckin’ and Smoke on the Water. Deep Purple put out some of the biggest rock anthems ever and Highway Star does a great job of recreating them for their audience.”
Dan ‘Dirtman’ McFarlane – Promotions Director, CKOV 63
“They rocked the crowd ‘Big Time’ the last time I saw them. There was even a rumor in the audience that they were the real Deep Purple.”
Mike Matwin – Matwin Sport and Entertainment
“Highway Star did Deep Purple note for note. They even looked like D.P. … a wicked job… oh, and of course, they finished with Smoke on the Water.”
Stetan Nevatie – ‘The Nerve’ Magazine